Belfast calls for an Immediate End To The Genocide in Gaza

Belfast calls for an Immediate End To The Genocide in Gaza

Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Laureate speaking at the rally outside the USA Embassy in Belfast said: We call on the Irish government to create A Genocide Convention(This convention would call for the immediate halt of the Israeli genocidal attack on Palestinians)The governments of the USA, UK, Germany and much of Europe are wholly complicit in the horrific assault on the people of Gaza.Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations to ensure respect for the Geneva Convention. These governments are in fact Actively arming the assault by providing economic and intelligence support. These governments are giving political and Diplomat cover for Israel’s war crimes.Palestinians in Gaza are being demonised and suffering ethnic cleansing and collective punishment. This is a classic genocide and the Israeli government has to…
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Gaza In The Interest Of Humanity – “Stop This Insanity”

Gaza, Israel/Palestine, Press
Press statement - Mairead Maguire calls  “For peace an immediate ceasefire, dialogue and negotiations in Gaza.” The Israel government is committing war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people In Gaza. The Israeli government are breaking international law which prohibits the collective punishment of civilian populations. Governments like the USA, United Kingdom who support Israeli governments genocidal policies must also be held legally responsible. These governments are supporting the deaths of Palestinians, many of which are children and the destruction of their land. All of this exacerbated by the US sending warships to support the Israeli’s siege of Gaza, with obscene bombing.  These war crimes have rightly shook all people in the world who value human rights, dignity, equality and freedom.  International law is in danger of becoming irrelevant.  We need…
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Downpatrick Declaration

Downpatrick Declaration

The Downpatrick Declaration was launched in Downpatrick on December 7th, 2021. It is a demand to Governments on these Islands to commit to the promotion of peace and a denunciation of their participation in war and the weapons industry. For more information, please go to:
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Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu

Press Releases
Press releaseArchbishop Desmond Tutu passed away this morning 26th December, 2021 in Cape Town South Africa.  The ‘Arch’ was ninety years young and loved by people all around the world.  He won The Nobel peace prize for his work against apartheid in his beloved South Africa and his work for justice and Peace worldwide. Desmond Tutu To his beloved wife Leah, four children and extended family we send our condolences and love.Archbishop Tutu was a great spirit who spread joy everywhere he went.   Gracias for his wonderful life, we shall miss him. Mairead Corrigan MaguireNobel peace
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