The Peace People, 224 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6GE, Northern Ireland
Phone: 0044 (0) 28 9066 346 Email:
Open letter to Presidents Biden and Putin
Dear Mr. Presidents,
The world does not need war or threats of war – it needs peace.
People of the world are traumatised by a tsunami of pain and suffering. As world leaders you know this to be true. People of the world are afraid and many depressed. They need hope. They need to believe in themselves and others. They need a ‘light of peace’. People need to see there are people of love and courage who take risks for ‘humanity’ and follow their conscience to do the right thing.
Please, Mr. Presidents, be such a light in a dark and dangerous world. Give the people hope.
Please meet each other in friendship and in respect for each other, and the sake of the great peoples of your countries, USA and Russia. Such a meeting of fraternity amongst the leaders of your nations would give hope to millions – especially young people who inherit a world so much in need of peace and reconciliation and based on love and respect.
In hope,
Mairead Maguire
Peace worker