Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu

Press Releases
Press releaseArchbishop Desmond Tutu passed away this morning 26th December, 2021 in Cape Town South Africa.  The ‘Arch’ was ninety years young and loved by people all around the world.  He won The Nobel peace prize for his work against apartheid in his beloved South Africa and his work for justice and Peace worldwide. Desmond Tutu To his beloved wife Leah, four children and extended family we send our condolences and love.Archbishop Tutu was a great spirit who spread joy everywhere he went.   Gracias for his wonderful life, we shall miss him. Mairead Corrigan MaguireNobel peace
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The Afghan War – 200l-2021

The Afghan War – 200l-2021

Afghanistan, Press, Press Release, Press Releases
17th August, 2021 Press release ‘The Afghan War – 200l-2021 ---------------------------------------------- Nothing can justify the illegal war carried out for the past twenty years, upon the people of Afghanistan by US/NATO forces.   During a Peace visit with an International Peace Delegation, in 2012, we witnessed in Kabul, the suffering of the Afghan people, at the hands of the Foreign occupation forces, by US drones etc., We also met people who had lost family, homes, and livelihoods,  at the hands of the Taliban. Many countries, including Ireland, an allegedly neutral country,  have been complicit in this illegal conflict.  The Irish Government betrayed the Irish people by allowing US troops use of Shannon Airport, en route to Afghanistan and other wars started by NATO/USA in Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc., and   the direct…
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Open Letter to Presidents Putin and Biden in advance of their June 16, 2021 Summit

Open Letter to Presidents Putin and Biden in advance of their June 16, 2021 Summit

Press Releases
Open Letter to Presidents Putin and Biden In advance of their June 16, 2021 Summit We write to you, world leaders whom we know fully understand the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons, and the cataclysmic effects on humanity of a nuclear war: the possible end of civilization as we know it. We are participants of a growing international campaign for a commitment by nuclear-armed states to a policy of no first use of nuclear weapons. We have just completed a number of successful global events, including a two-day conference preparatory to launching this campaign, which have included over 700 participants from Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East,South America, North America, and the Pacific. Arising from these events is an appeal to you to use your summit to…
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George Floyd RIP

George Floyd RIP

George Floyd RIP, Press Release, Press Releases
#blacklivesmatter Press Release – By Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Laureate "I would like to add my sympathy and condolences to George Floyd family and the families of Black victims, and others killed by racists, be they in USA, United Kingdom, Asia, no matter where they live.   It was inspiring to see millions of people, respond to the call of the Movement ‘Black Lives Matter’ and take to the streets to pray act and protest police brutality, institutional violence, racism and discrimination, and to call for transparency and accountability and real change". Anti-black and racism continues to permeate through the criminal justice system and the social fabric of the USA, UK and many countries. During my many visits to the USA, I was deeply shocked by the extreme poverty, particularly in…
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Press Releases
Embargoed until May 24, 2020 Contacts: Vanda Proskova (Czech Republic) +420 728 407 661 Jennifer Blemur (USA) Miriam Petersen (Germany) +49 178 101 8019 24 May 2020. Governments need to cut military expenditure, and increase their focus and budgets on human security and global cooperation, in order to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, address climate change and ensure a sustainable future, according to an international women’s appeal released today by Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), Women Legislators’ Lobby (WiLL) and World Future Council (WFC). The appeal, Human security for public health, peace and sustainable development, endorsed by 237 women legislators, religious leaders and civil society leaders from more than 40 countries* was released  to coincide with International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament on May 24, 2020. It also supports, in particular, United Nations’ initiatives for…
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