Open letter to Presidents Biden and Putin

Open letter to Presidents Biden and Putin

Press Release, War
The Peace People, 224 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6GE, Northern Ireland Phone: 0044 (0) 28 9066 346   Email: Open letter to Presidents Biden and Putin 18TH FEBRUARY, 2022 Dear Mr. Presidents, The world does not need war or threats of war – it needs peace. People of the world are traumatised by a tsunami of pain and suffering.   As world leaders you know this to be true.  People of the world are afraid and many depressed.  They need hope.  They need to believe in themselves and others.  They need a ‘light of peace’.  People need to see there are people of love and courage who take risks for ‘humanity’ and follow their conscience to do the right thing. Please, Mr. Presidents, be such a light in a dark…
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The Afghan War – 200l-2021

The Afghan War – 200l-2021

Afghanistan, Press, Press Release, Press Releases
17th August, 2021 Press release ‘The Afghan War – 200l-2021 ---------------------------------------------- Nothing can justify the illegal war carried out for the past twenty years, upon the people of Afghanistan by US/NATO forces.   During a Peace visit with an International Peace Delegation, in 2012, we witnessed in Kabul, the suffering of the Afghan people, at the hands of the Foreign occupation forces, by US drones etc., We also met people who had lost family, homes, and livelihoods,  at the hands of the Taliban. Many countries, including Ireland, an allegedly neutral country,  have been complicit in this illegal conflict.  The Irish Government betrayed the Irish people by allowing US troops use of Shannon Airport, en route to Afghanistan and other wars started by NATO/USA in Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc., and   the direct…
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A letter from Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire to President Biden. “Free Julian Assange & end the war on Yemen”

A letter from Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire to President Biden, FREE JULIAN ASSANGE, Julian Assange, Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire, Press, Press Release, Yemen
Mairead Maguire & other members of the Peace People delivered a letter to the U.S. Consulate General Belfast today. This letter was for President Joe Biden. The open letter is requesting the following: 1. Free Julian Assange 2. End the war on Yemen Mairead Maguire and Ann Patterson today calling for the freedom of Julian Assange and end the war on Yemen. Open Letter to President Joe Biden from Mairead Maguire - Nobel laureate. A letter from Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire to President Biden. To address the following requests: Dear Mr President Please accept my congratulations and best wishes in your work as President. I have two urgent requests to ask of you. l)  Free Julian Assange. Please do all you can to free Julian Assange and release him to let…
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Press Release – Nomination of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.

FREE JULIAN ASSANGE, Nomination of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize., Press, Press Release
Dear Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, I hope this finds you well. I am herein nominating these three individuals, as a group, for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. All three have been individually nominated in previous years for the Peace Prize, but none received it to date.My reasons for nominating them together are simple. Individually, each has given countless examples of courage exposing governments’ illegal actions that caused millions of deaths—putting their own freedoms and lives o­n the line. Collectively, their lives of self-sacrifice and selflessness constitute remarkable demonstrations of the magnificence of the human spirit. They are indeed breath taking testimonies to the goodness inherent in the human heart. Today around the world, when we listen or read about violence, militarism, poverty, war, pandemics, climate change, and particularly…
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George Floyd RIP

George Floyd RIP

George Floyd RIP, Press Release, Press Releases
#blacklivesmatter Press Release – By Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Laureate "I would like to add my sympathy and condolences to George Floyd family and the families of Black victims, and others killed by racists, be they in USA, United Kingdom, Asia, no matter where they live.   It was inspiring to see millions of people, respond to the call of the Movement ‘Black Lives Matter’ and take to the streets to pray act and protest police brutality, institutional violence, racism and discrimination, and to call for transparency and accountability and real change". Anti-black and racism continues to permeate through the criminal justice system and the social fabric of the USA, UK and many countries. During my many visits to the USA, I was deeply shocked by the extreme poverty, particularly in…
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