We Stand for Peace and Justice

Campaigns, Events, Notices
# We Stand for Peace and Justice By Michael Albert A new web site, "We Stand for Peace and Justice" offers a statement, included below, for signing. The site provides links for public discussion and means to comment. The statement has about fifty initial signers including Noam Chomsky, Boaventura Santos, Mairead Maguire, Walden Bello, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Medea Benjamin, and more. Over the past few days, invitations seeking initial signers made clear the hope that the statement is self explanatory. Initial signers indicated they hope it will attract a massive list of final signers which activists can then use to link up separate efforts, foster cross constituency and inter movement mutual aid, and foster a tone that is positive even while seeking to stop reactionary trends. The statement follows, below, but…
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Za’atari Refugee Camp

Campaigns, Notices, Press Releases
Ann Patterson from the Peace People attended a conference convened by the Nobel Women Initiative in Jordan of grass roots activists working with refugees in the Middle East and Europe. Ann accompanied Shirin Ebadi and Tawakkol Karman to visit the UN Womens project at the Za'atari refugee camp . The camp is home to 80,000 Syrian refugees , durning the visit they were able to engage with some women and listen to there stories, they also met with some children. Learn more about Za'atari here: https://reliefweb.int/report/jordan/zaatari-refugee-camp-factsheet-november-2016 Ann describes how it was a truly humbling experience and how they all left the camp with their pain engraved in their hearts and a stronger resolve to to do the best we can to get their voices heard. You can follow our journey…
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Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Talks at the Ulster Museum on ‘Building a culture of peace and nonviolence for the human family’

Events, Nobel Peace Prize Medal, Notices, Press Releases
In 1976 Máiread Corrigan and Betty Williams were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. They received their medals on 10 December 1977 at the Oslo City Hall in Norway. Máiread later donated her medal to the Ulster Museum, and you will now be able to see it on display. On 13th November at 3pm Mairead Corrigan Maguire, presented a talk at the Ulster Museum on ‘Building a culture of peace and nonviolence for the human family’. Part Of Mairead's Speech can be read below: "COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP FOR PEACE AND DISARMAMENT" Welcome to you all and many thanks for coming today, This year we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Peace People, and remember that on this date 40 years ago, the Peace People held a Peace rally along the Ravenhill Road.…
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Building A Culture Of Peace & Non-Violence

Events, Notices, Press Releases
Time/Date - 15:00 - 16:00, Sun 13 Nov 2016 Venue - Ulster Museum On the 40th anniversary of the Victoria Park Peace Rally, Máiread Corrigan Maguire, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and author of ‘The Vision of Peace: Faith and Hope in Northern Ireland’ will discuss the role of individuals in building a culture of peace. The talk will be followed by tea and coffee and Máiread will be available to sign copies of her book. Click on the link below to register for this free event. https://nmni.com/um/What-s-on/Talks---Lectures/Building-a-culture-of-peace-and-nonviolence-for-th
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